The wood badge program is a leadership program for adult leaders around the world. It was founded by Robert Baden-Powell himself back in 1919. The course itself attempts to make Scouters better leaders through different activities, such as listening and managing conflict.
It is important for adult leaders to complete this training because it teaches advanced leadership skills while creating a commitment to the Scout movement. The wood badge also helps leaders learn how to do certain things, such as managing conflict, leading change, coaching & mentoring, leadership for different stages, project planning, and more. The benefits of completing the Wood Badge include a stronger troop, a fun experience, and a deeper understanding of Scouting.
Adults in Troop 888 can now click here to register for Woodbadge.
Weekend 1
Camp Herms
Friday 09-18-2020 7:00 AM PT to
Sunday 09-20-2020 5:00 PM PT
Weekend 2
Camp Herms
Saturday 10-10-2020 7:00 AM PT to
Sunday 10-11-2020 5:00 PM PT
Click here for more information about Woodbadge in our district.